Cosmetic Acupuncture or Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is a completely effective, safe and cost efficient treatment aiming to help us look and feel at our best. Cosmetic Acupuncture and Facial Rejuvenation treatment focuses on both correcting signs of aging and underlying the causes to this specific signs just like any full body Acupuncture treatment.

Benefits of Cosmetic Acupuncture

–        Improve muscles tone and dermal contraction
–        Increase Collagen production for a smother skin
–        Helps reduce and eliminate bags under the eyes
–        Helps eliminate fine lines and reduce deep lines
–        Helps eliminate puffiness and excess fluids
–        Moisturize dry skin
–        Improve hormonal balance and treat Acne
–        Improves Facial colour by increasing peripheral blood circulation
–        Reduces or eliminate double chins
–        Tightens the pores
–        Promotes overall health and well being
–        Slows the aging process from within

Common Conditions to be treated with Cosmetic Acupuncture

–        Sagging jaws and cheeks
–        Laugh lines
–        Drooping eyelids and eyebrows
–        Bags under the eyes
–        Double Chin
–        Wrinkles
–        Puffy face and eyelids
–        Pale or red face
–        Acne
–        Age spots

A course of Cosmetic Acupuncture treatment consist of 12 to 15 sessions, administrated once or twice a week. The effect of Cosmetic Acupuncture can last for years with regularly maintenance and reliant upon the adherence to the program and the person’s lifestyle.

Yuval Blum, LAc